Stewardship Ministry

“…  The Ministry shall be responsible for the funds and property, both real and personal, belonging to the Church and to prepare a proposed annual budget for the ensuing fiscal year to be presented to the Church Council for its review and recommendation …The budget shall be presented to the Congregation for action at the annual meeting.  The Ministry of Stewardship shall adopt appropriate policies as to those checks, notes, or other instruments for the payment or withdrawal of monies which shall require the signature of the Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer. The Stewardship Ministry shall oversee the work of the custodian …” (Bylaws)

Caring for Our Physical Plant

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Elected Members of the Stewardship Ministry

  • Ed Magnus

  • Betty Keller

  • Elisa Rowell

Church Council Members

  • Pam Dearborn, Moderator

  • Phil Brown, Assistant Moderator

  • Elisa Rowell, Treasurer

  • Betty Keller, acting Clerk

  • Alice Kitchel, past Moderato

  • Pam Smart, Member at Large

  • Karen Sayles, Worship & Care

  • Ed Magnus, Stewardship

  • Alice Kitchel, Outreach

  • Kathleen Haines, Spiritual Formation & Nurture 

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